Passionate feelings are often compared to rough currents and gentle brooks. A shallow stream brawls noisily. Deep water runs silently.


Parts from 'The Confession'

But, now that I have passed the prime of life and am approaching old age, I feel these same recollections springing up again while others disappear; they stamp themselves upon my memory with features, the charm and strength of which increase daily, as if, feeling away, I were endeavouring to grasp it again by its commencement. The most trifling incidents of that time please me, simply because they belong to that period. I remember all the details of palce, persons, and time.

wrote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

4 条评论:

Sunny 说...

Oh,my god!
I am on to the emptiness again.
er, I don't know any words from your article.

Sunny 说...

What I want to say is that, the expectaion to the future is more worthful than the past.
Recci, come on.
You such a bright girl!

Recci 说...

Dear Sunny,this isn't my handwriting.
Pay attation:"wrote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau".

Without memory 说...

to tell the truth
I can't understand this article very well .because I don't know the meaning of some words but I think I can feel about the emotion of this article.
this emotion
are you feeling it ,too?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau