Passionate feelings are often compared to rough currents and gentle brooks. A shallow stream brawls noisily. Deep water runs silently.



I have been in pursuit of my obsession with perfume.
Today, I do not intentionally discovered the "Burberry LONDON" in 2008 of the limited edition version.
I like it very much, and really want to have it.


Lovely woman

Saturday, I rode a bike with room friends to play out, an entire afternoon.
Back then, my legs feel the power of the movement.
Today is not a special day, but there have been some strange things.
In the morning, I sleep late, I can not give up the bad habit.
In the afternoon, all of a sudden I would like to organize the closet, the urge to throw clothes. Because his mother was still in contempt if I take these clothes home.
In the evening, I eat a lot of junk food, French fries, chicken wings and milk tea, and I did not feel that they are already full.
I want to eat more food today, and want to eat a lot of food. Would I like to be a Hercules? I'm going to protect who? Is it just to protect myself?
From tomorrow, I would like to keep on a diet, reduce fat on my laps, I want to be a woman with light pace.
Today, My way of thinking is really very much like a "little woman."


Attitude on the Cafeteria

I had to say, my life just like coffee.
Recently, because I intend to take care of my body, therefore want to give up instant coffee.
I said that I like Starbucks coffee environment.
I like coffee alone to enjoy the mood, also like share it with close friends, which is the same as my life attitude.
In fact, not only is coffee, butter and cheese there, they let me confidence in life.
"October 31, 2008, December 9, 2008, in addition, this year's Christmas Eve and Christmas Day."
Because I got two tickets for Christmas.

Caramel, October 31, 2008

Toffee Nut Latte, December 9, 2008


Good girl

For a long time ago I wanted to write something, but was delayed to the test.
At first in the "Gossip Girl", for Serena to see Blair said, "Good girl!" ---- I seemed to have thought on this simple sentence.
Whether past, present or future, it can not be separated from the "cherish" of this topic.
I used to be a very wooden person, to the extent that watching TV in the show, I want to be a very urgent to laugh or cry, especially as a typical woman.
To the society a woman's role is delicate \ sensitive \ emotional \ gentle, but I seem to like women under the social role. I know that women "masculine" is a perfect personality, however, I have this anxiety. My "EGO" is what, I do not know themselves.
Today's theme is want to say to Floara, "Good girl!" Floara, thank you for your concern and taking care of me, I was moved. I began to blame myself that did those things too, whereas had not thought about your feelings.Forgive me, I was suffering from anxiety neurosis, neurasthenia at that time, or there are very often I do not know why I have such a motivation. I have been very wooden, I do not know about the feelings of where it goes. I am planning to make our good friendship, my Floara!
I do not think before I deal with love, I am still wooden. Woodenly I soon became a kind of nature, flowing in my blood. I always easy to be happy, not easy to depression, which is known as the people around me "Optimistic". Doing well, I hope I can spread my friends happiness, especially the people who love me.


Parts from 'The Confession'

But, now that I have passed the prime of life and am approaching old age, I feel these same recollections springing up again while others disappear; they stamp themselves upon my memory with features, the charm and strength of which increase daily, as if, feeling away, I were endeavouring to grasp it again by its commencement. The most trifling incidents of that time please me, simply because they belong to that period. I remember all the details of palce, persons, and time.

wrote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau


I am not in Starbucks, but rather on the way to it.

I am not in Starbucks, but rather on the way to it .
Recently, I indulged in Starbuck, I have a very strong impulse that I want to go there for an afternoon.
Suddenly, I feel my life back to the past, I seem to find that the feeling of the past.
I like solitude, like alone time, like the enjoyment of loneliness.However, I also like friends, like noisy, like to share with my friends.
Two years ago, I lived a chaotic life, I now know what to be pursued, I know that life is my own.
I am glad that I understand that when I am 20 years old, perhaps many people now do not know what they are doing for, what they are looking for, even what they are living for.
I like coffee, because my life is like coffee, sweet but bitter, lively but depression.


Love story

Yesterday, Angel and I holding hands to enjoy the beauty of West Lake.In my memory, Angel and I was not too close,so I do not know why let us now become such a state.Every time I met Angel, I feel that memories have emerged, 2003's and 2004's memories, about a person's memories are there in my mind.Once I saw Angel I will think of love.I do not know why this is.
We went to taste of the Japanese cuisine, so many people, we can only sit corner, but I think we are very suitable for corners. In my mind, corner is quiet, is a scene of one's space.If I remember correctly, this is our second meeting alone, for the first time in June 2004 we go to Wushan Square.I remember four years ago in Wushan, we all passed away when we saw many pigeons on the ground, today at Lakeside Pruducts Street to see parrots, we follow the same choice, we really like.
I feel from the Japanese restaurants to the ice cream shop in the distance some really far, in fact, I know that not much distance and walking along the West Lake, but the mind is very much looking forward to, it may be because I too want to hear your story.I just felt eating the cream above ice cream, I do not know what other parts of flavor, why.Am I in the choice of memory? Later, Angel said to me, she began the story, it can be a "story" to describe her past.A woman after all is a woman, men are men after all, God only can create two types of people. Generally speaking, men are physiology animals, women are psychological animals.Therefore, Plato's love can not exist.
Yesterday, the typhoon's influence, began light rain, people say, rainy day's West Lake is the most beauty.Here the beauty, referring to the love story.So I thought of him, I can remember, we also enjoy the beauty of West Lake, that day is no rain, though, this memory is not clear, because I have not remember what season it is, why we will, I just remember that you put the decision.In view of the Angel, I thought, and I love you once, now I have forgotten, perhaps I just do not want to admit.I always think that my feeling on you just a habit, not love.In fact, up to now, the answer to this question is very vague, but we have no need to find the answer.My vanity, let me give up a section of a beautiful love.Since then, I learned how to love.
Angel, I believe that people's experience of setbacks will make them grow up strongly, and today I feel I am a reborn.When does we mature?While we think of the elders' words are right.


Make it!

Tomorrow I will soon usher in a new semester.This semester, I have a clear target.I must CET 6, and have to struggle for JLPT 2.I have already wasted two years of university life, while I should not continue to waste.Now is the time to change myself, I should strive to correct my weaknesses.The magic of the 20-year-old, 20-year-old people will really understand a lot of problems.
Goals will have motivation, motivation will aim at the goal, finally we win the success.I like the word"well-done".


Am I really a passive one?

Am I really a passive one?
From the Angel, Yan and T.J. to Xixi, have proved that I will not take the initiative to contact them.Thank you, you can understand me.
Yesterday, Angel asked me about the results of CET 4, she said she did not pass the CET 6, I am somewhat surprised that Angel did not pass CET 6.Angel said she should be prepared for the examination of IELTS and give up CET 6,because she will be going to France to study.I hope Angel smooth pass the exam.I lost Angel's Blog address, so she gave me one.I was shocked by the articles from Angel, before this July, she lived very bad.She told me that she thought she had no close friends and could not have complain, she believed that she was a lonely one.I told Angel, "you have us."She said she now knew that.I remembered on August 10, we walked together along the West Lake, I suddenly felt our hearts are interlinked.After returning home, I went to check the information on the Aquarius.I say this is fate, you say this is destiny.I asked whether you recalled that four years ago we climbed Wushan after school, you said you remember. I was moved by a cry, you said you was weeping now.I never said that, but I promise you in my heart is my lifetime friend.
Last night,X.Lan and I made contact, because I saw that she gave me the message, she reminded our laughter.X. Lan appearred to be very understanding of my situation, she must let me suppress the unpleasant emotional vent out.X. Lan said her ideals and goals, I felt I knew a new her.
Today,Yan told me that she was not willing to let me go to the College.I promised her I would often return home.I believe that our feelings will never change.
Since I met them, I felt that I returned to this collectivity.


The Beijing 2008 Olympics

Yesterday, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games successfully come to a close.The next stop will be in London.The red bus named London 2012 into the Bird's Nest.This bus read''London-Beijing-London",it is very beautiful.
Olympic has 16 days, and we waited for seven years.
China received 51 gold medals, ranking the top of Olympic medal.
16 days of the 2008 Olympics is exciting days.


I love it here

The outside world is lively, but quiet of our own.I seem to treat here as my real Blog. Sohu is a bustling place of mine.I carefully counted the amount of the text that I have written in Sohu, only seven, a total of only 1 / 10.I began to believe that I am a rational creature, emotional ups and downs are very few.Experienced a year and a half, I just wanted to write seven articles, including three journal accounts.I admit that I entered the university, my emotional was not stable than before, I will be lost.Previously, I do not need Blog, because I only need to record some of journal accounts, some fun things, but now I have become sentimental.
I still prefer the former circle of life, do not like the circle of life now. I like to be a weak, and then to become a strong.I just saw Chris's Blog, there is one point that we have the same feeling, we are comforted ourselves, "all the things we have experienced is meaningful." Is this the regulation of ourselves, or indeed the case? An idea that I do not want to be the weak into my thought.
Suddenly, I find myself lost direction. Last month, I still had destination of life, but now I do not know the purpose of my life.Actually, I am afraid not know what to do.I hope that the end of university life become quickly, but I also worried that I will not satisfied with the work, I have some contradictions.
2008 Beijing Olympics should come to a close today, have goals, have paying, China achieved it.
I am glad that I have known Sunny, although we have not met, and we live in different cities, but there is a very strong sense of friendliness, share happiness and sorrows. This call it fate.



In this summer vacation, I exercise on my willpower.
I have been reading Japanese, do reviewsion, learning new knowledge one unit a week.
Then, the accumulation of knowledge will be a lot more, but even harder.
A few days ago, I think that the use of adjectives is very boring, now turn to the verb.
I know the verb is the center of the vocabulary.
And Japanese verbs fall into three categories, really difficult to remember.
I began to encounter difficulties, but I believe I could overcome them.
Need willpower.


Is life a contradiction?

I often study in a proposition, "Sense and Sensibility" and how to distinguish between them.
But I have never been concluded.
Today, I rethink this issue, the results remain the same.
Tiger said, "Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life." Gibran said, "He who longs the most lives the longest."
Their words are contradictory?
Also the "pursuit" and the "desire" are contradictory?
Maybe it is contradictions do our a pretty life.


Thank you

I had no intention to find the "Alexa", saw the English did not know what was my feeling.
In fact, I do not like English.
Remember that the University of self-introduction, I have said," dislike English, but like English words."
When I first contacted with the foreign language, hating the grammar, the Doctor of my development psychology said, "learning grammar is the wrong way to learn a language."
I suddenly felt very happy, my method may be correct.
Last night I created this new blog, today many of my friends concern my blogspot.
Thank you!
Dear Sunny and lovely Dove, to create our own brilliance.


Pledge is a lie

A corridor ,one word ,one person .
The sharp language ,elegant turns .

A room ,
a piece of paper ,one person .
Gentle handwriting ,feeling the feelings .

A station,
a rope ,a human being .
The hurried to seek ,empty results .

A screen ,
a voice of one person .
Distant wait and see ,unlimited imaginations .

A rooftop ,
two chairs ,two people .
Not ended .

A bed ,
two fold of data ,two people .
Is also available in the future .

Finally that person once said , "Pledge is a lie ."

Perhaps we will not have a long future , the only short-term now .


Some words from Gibran

Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.

A disagreement may be the shortest cut between two mind.

The silence of the envious is too noisy.

He who longs the most lives the longest.